Release of Heroin Hero v2!

     Hey guys! Joraaver here, with a small but important post. I know you haven't heard from me in a while, but that's because I've been trying to package a new (not Elrel LLC related) game for release!

Heroin Hero v2

Play it now at

Middle of game

What a lovably fun game!

     This game is actually the product of my time with two friends at LA Hacks two weekends ago. It's a play on South Park's "Heroin Hero", with the object of the game being to catch the dragon and stay as high as possible while doing so, which means collecting the most drugs, let it be marijuana, beer, or heroin. Of course, dodge the water and your blasted roommate--they sober you up. Pause

Pause screen

     At the end, you can see how well you did compared to the rest of the world through the global leaderboard! Finally, you are posed with a moral question: will you play this dangerous game again?


What will you do?

Play it now at

Small Note

     Now, this game is no way

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