Games in Review: Sportsball, Runbow, Chariot, Shovel Knight, and Costume Quest 2

     This is the first of, I think, three "Games in Review" posts I'll be doing to quickly assess the games I played at IndieCade. Now, I'll be looking at these as a game developer as well as gamer, all the while trying to keep each review to a mere paragraph. So let's jump right to it!


     Ahh, the nostalgia. When I was a kid, my brothers and I used to play a game called Joust for hours. As soon as I stepped up to fill in as the fourth player for this game, those memories of Joust flooded my head. This is a great party game, with lots of action. Putting the balls in the net is no easy feat, but the fun of the game comes from having to bop your opponents on the head to get those balls. Soon, there are four balls from each team whizzing around, and you don't know if you should be scoring them or watching your precious little head. Even though I had the experience of Joust backing me, I still lost, which leads me to the conclusion that Sportsball is a

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